Wednesday 18 April 2012

shot by shot analysis of static

LOGO -This sub gerne is not the best fit for blood smears and 666 but as it is a production company logo it needs to be appropriate for all of their films. usualy for pshycological horrors the slow and bold as other logos i have reaserched have shown.

TITLE'S - Our titles fitted well with the conventions of a phycological horror, existing conventions show that the titles are jummpy and not linnier to cause a un-nerveing feeling for the audience. We used a "scrach" type font so it looks eched into the static, we found this in the film se7en title sequence it felt like it would fit our film well.

SUB-GERNE - I belive this shot uses a great convention from phycological horrors that is a vunerable girl is a target to the threat, usualy the camera would be at a high angle but its at eye level because that is where the threat is and its a POV of the threat. The audience understand that she is in danger because she scream's another convention that is in phycological horrors, showing disstress or pain without showing the threat.

CHARACTER - this shot shows that both characters are young females, this is a common convention in phycological horrors as women are thought to be weaker than men so are easyer to kill.
As we see here they are drinking alcohol this as people know can make you more vunrable to attack as reaction times and perseption is affected by alcohol, we did this to show firstly that they where getting ready to party but also to add more vunrability to them.

MISE-EN-SCENE - The mise-en-scene did chalenge typical phycological horror conventions as there was no clear props such as bloody knives ect... but our main chalenge to typical phycological mise-en-scene was the static on the TV as it was a threat but also an in-animate object so became part of the setting in mise-en-scene but a character when it kill's the girls.

KEY IMAGE 1 - (lipstick) most phycological horrors have a sceen where there is a scence of normality before the threat attacks, this is very common in phycological horrors. This shot was only a few seconds long but it showed that they where getting ready to go out, the sound track in this sceen is very up beat this is a big contrast to the slow dark and morbid sounds that happen later.

KEY IMAGE 2 - (Investigate) we thought this would be a great shot after hearing her freiend in destress she turns around and shouts out for her, as we see in most movies, we shot this in mid shot to see her expessions and so we see her turn around, it is also at this point we gradualy raise the volume of the music to build tension.

KEY SHOT 3 - (realisation) this scene both the audience and the character realises that the girl is sucked into the TV and appears dead, this follows the typical convention of phycological horrors of a unexpected twist or event occurs, we shot the body in long shot and keyed it onto the screen shot in mid shot, we darkend the lighting in the dead shot and brightened it in the life shots so that there was a clear deffiniton between the two "worlds".

KEY SHOT 4 - (The dead girls) this sceen is again an unexpected twist, I hope for this scene to shock and scare the audience because they wasnt expecting it, i did the exact same lighting for this shot as i did for the realisation shot. we belived that this shot would be the one that would hook people in because of the mystery that surounds the girls deaths, we put this at the end of the titles so that after you saw others that had been killed you would be supprised to see both girls dead in the same place.

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