Wednesday 25 April 2012

BBFC Research

This is the film poster for Silent hill. BBFC rated this movie a 15 they say "it contains bloody horror and strang language" I agree on this because this movie is very violent especilly on the scene when one of the creatures rips all of this womans skin off. That scene is very bloody.

This is the film poster for Paranormal Activity 3 BBFC rated this film a 15. BBFC say "The use of strong language (for example, 'fuck') must be infrequent'. This film contains about ten uses of strong language and is therefore more appropriately placed at 15" This film also Contains threat, infrequent sex references & violence. I agree with this because you cant see the threat and this film is very violent especially the scene when the threat is dragging the baby by its feet.

This is the film poster for The Thing. BBFC rated this film a 18. BBFC says "The shape-shifting nature of the alien in the film is depicted through shots of bleeding heads, an alien head exploding out of a stomach" &"The film includes scenes of strong violence and gory horror" This film also contains Strong language and should deffenitly be rated an 18.
By looking at these films i agree that our film should was rated correctly and should stay a 15 since the majority of phycological horrors these days are 15 and also there is no strong language.

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