Wednesday 25 April 2012

Evaluation Question 4

The audience for our media product would be males aged 18-29 according to our IMDB research

We rated our film a 15 because the characters are drinking alcohol and that there is a threat that is killing general people. Here is a link to my BBFC research which shows you that most phycological horrors are rated a 15:

We wanted to attract the audiences aged 18-29 because people this age watch phycological horror. We thought by adding alcohol it would attract the audiences attention especially because they are aged 18-29 and they are in there university years and would be drinking alcohol regularly so by having this they could compare them to themselves. 

We also thought by having 2 young women as our main characters it would attract the the attention of young adults especially that the people who would see this film are aged 18-29. People would also be interested to see what will happen to the 2 female characters since they are both vulnerable and they are also drinking with makes them even more vulnerable and it would make them want to see what will happen next.

The soundtrack used at the start of the film engages the audience and puts them in the party spirit since the song is cheerful and loud. Then since the soundtrack suddenly changes into a dark spooky sound which straight away captures the audiences attention since they would be waiting for something scary to happen.

Overall i believe we have successfully apealed to our target audience and we have tried to create a realistic phycological genre. Despite the fact 18-29 is our main audience we would like to appeal to a larger target audience because more interest in our film would make it more successful.

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