Monday 23 April 2012

Evaluation Q1

This is the logo of our film opening logo. This title develops horror conventions since its in red and black with a scary effect and with blood on the backgroud defiantly sowing that the films going to be a horror. You can compare this image with the image beneath (Twisted Pictures) by showing that they both give the effect of the film being a horror.


This Picture inspires me because its simple but then it gets a scary affect with the barbed wire and changes it completely. This picture is developing horror conventions since it has a barbed wire going through the letters which gives it a scary effect. 

This is the Title of our film. This title is developing horror conventions since the whole image is quite dark and confusing since the audience wouldn't know what it would be about all they would see is a dark tv screen with scary shades and the word "Static" in a scary sketchy way this this shows that who ever would see this would definitely think this is a horror film. This can be compared to the image below (SILENT HILL) since they both come under the horror genre and there both have a scary affect which will attract the audience to go and see the film.

This is the title form the film "Silent Hill" This picture inspired me because the the words of this picture are all different and the font is quite scary what tops it off it that the background makes it look like its a old rusty which gives a hint of the location of the film and what it would be about. This is developing horror conventions since its visually scary and every single piece of the picture makes it look like a horror and would definitely attract the audience to go and see this horror.

This is a picture of our film we made. This picture is developing horror conventions since it has a dead person on frame this obviously tells you that the genre of this film is a horror . This can be compared with the image below(silent hill) by both of these images having a dead body in frame and both telling the audience that this is a horror film.

This is a picture is from the film "silent hill" This picture inspired me because it shows a dead body hanged up onto a fence in a pitch black room with many flesh wounds and i knew it would attract allot of audiences . This is visually scary just by looking at it. This picture is developing horror conventions since there is a dead body on the screen which gives the viewers a shocking affect.

This is a image of our film "static" showing the established characters. As we can see here there are 2 girls which are young and also being female there vulnerable This image comes under developing horror conversions since the 2 girls are vulnerable. This can be compared to the picture below (silent hill) because both pictures use two vulnerable girls.

This is a picture from the film"silent hill" this picture shows 2 girls looking scared once again vulnerable and gives he effect that someone is there trying t kill them also what they are wearing and the props used  look like they are defending themselfs from something scary. This comes under developing horror conventions since they both female and they look vulnerable.

This is a picture from our film 'Static' this picture establishes mise-en-scene.this picture also challenges the convention of my sub genere since it leads to the girls getting killed at the end and by looking at this picture you can see that the girls are drinking so the audience would asume that there going out for a party. 

This is a picture of the film 'silent hill' in this picture you can see the prop used at the start of the film. This picture establishes mise-en-scene.
This picture develops the conventions of horror because the sign used is old and spooky and as soon as you would see it you would know that the film is a horror

  1. These 4 pictures are key images of the film we recorded called 'Staic' the top 2 images challenge the conventions of horror while the bottom 2 develops it.the top 2 challenge it becuse it leads to the killing and there getting ready to go out to a party and you yet wont expect the film being a horror. The bottom to develop conventions of horror by showing people dead these are the victims of the killer inside the tv anyone who will see this will know that this film i a horror.

These are the key imges from the film 'silent hill' these 4 pictures are developing horror conventions since you see people getting killed and weird creatures. By looking at these pictures you can clearly tell that this is a horror film.

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