Wednesday 18 April 2012

engageing my audience

We wanted to engage our target audience primeraly but we didnt want it to be exclusive to them as we didnt want to lose posible audience. We targeted males with the appel of having women actors as the only cast in the opening sequence, this was easy to do and easy to do if we wanted to target females by switching the women for men. We also wanted to attract a target audience aged 18- 24 as we know this age group are of university age and most of them want the "student life" so we involved alcohol in the begining of the sequence.

The music we used at the begining was made with no clear genre, because lots of people aged 18- 24 are passionate about music we didnt want to include music that they would hate because that may make them stop watching, we made it purely instrumental so that people didnt complain about lyrics or bad vocals, the music was very up beat so typical of what you could find at a party, this is the feel we where aiming for.

The title sequence was ment to engage the audience but it was hard to do this, we thought that people would see people of their own age group in the title sepuence and relate to them thats why there where 3 teenage dead bodys, one child and 2 adults, the veriety was so that it wasnt exclusively teenages, this would be un-belivable and also it gave us a chance to appel to the audience outside our target audience.

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