Wednesday 25 April 2012

Analyse the representation in existing films from your sub-genre

Q1.This is a scene from the film 'Silent Hill' In this scene gender is represented by the characters being female. Having female characters in a horror will make it look more scary and more intresting for the audience to watch because there not very strong and they are inferior to the creatures trying to kill them. Also since the victim was a female it already gives you the idea that the females were not fit enough to escape and so one of them got caught and killed at you can see from the clip. Age is also represented by showing one of the women being very old and weak and a bit crazy this would be a sterio type in cases since people often decribe older people as 'crazy' and 'very weak'.

This clip is from the film 'The Shining' In this scene gender is represented by the jack trying to kill his wife wendy and by wendy fighting for her life and crying. This scene shows the jack trying to kill his wife wendy by trying to axe the door down this represents gender because hes a man and they show him as a strong person showing that he is more powerful to women and that he is in charge and he wont have nothing stopping him. This scene also shows wendy trying to fight for her life this represents gender because she is a female and she is much weaker that her husband jack. This scene shows that she is inferior than him and she hasnt got enough strengh to stop him so you see her crying showing that she knows that she is going to get killed and she wont be able to stop him.

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