Thursday 26 April 2012

Technology- Imovie

For post production we used i movie to edit our film. there where a few problems using this software to edit with, firstly there was only one film track so limited our ability to layer clips over each other, we needed to do this to key out a green screen and layer a dead body over the top, we also needed to accurately re-size the dead body, we encountered a problem that the film wouldn't accurately re-size we had to use shrink this was not accurate and ended cutting out part of the scene.  

The last scene we did was the titles the original shot was just a green screen but we put in lots of different images to make the titles we where able to make a still image from the clip and then used that, no one would notice that it was a still as their attention would be in the center of the moving images.

The soundtrack was easy to manipulate and change the volume and fade in and out point to allow for unnoticeable transition between sound.

BBFC research

The BBFC tend to only give 15 and 18 ratings for horror films.

The 15 rating for films says that "No one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work" To classify a film as a 15 in terms of a horror film it say "Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualized" this is because strong threats can be particularly scary and would not be suitable for a 12 or 12A. The BBFC also classify films on ways that it could be imitated, they state that "Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorized" This is showing that people aged 15 and above (in theory) have reached a level of maturity that 12 year old don't have. The BBFC also take into account the amount of violence in the film while classifying it, the classification states "Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable" The strong gory images wont be accepted as not everyone wants to see gore and still can frighten 15 year olds.

Our film was classed as a 15 as we  believed that if the film was allowed to  continue the threat would become very menacing and frightening, we didn't use any weapons and showed no gore, there is one scene where a girl screams, this is not in pain so we didn't dwell on the factor of pain. We used alcohol in one scene we found that this falls under the DRUGS section of the BBFC, The classification stated "Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse" our film didn't promote or encourage the use of alcohol but we used it to generate a stereotype of teenagers.
Overall our film fitted in to most of the 15 classification,  the Film was not meeting the 18 classification but too much for a 12 or 12A classification.

The 18 classification is the same as the 15 rating but mainly concentrates on Sex, criminal activity and actual harm to people or public health. A 18 film isn't clear on horror unless it is "sadistic or sexualized"as this is not allowed at  15 classification. Also gory images that are not allowed at 15 would be allowed at 18. An 18 classified film wouldn't allow for any illegal actions to be shown in the film if they where actually committed and not acted.

Our film was not an 18 as it involved no "gory" scenes but had slight bit of gore for our production logo, there was no sex in the film or any actual criminal activity  so our film was not classed as an 18.  

Prezi Tutorial

This Video helped me allot because i wasn't really familiar with Prezi. This video helped me because it shown me the basics on how to use the website and how to add text,images,video and frames. This video was very useful and its quick and simple so i recommend anyone new to Prezi to watch this first because it would help allot!

Q7 Filmed Evaluation

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Sam Russo Prezi Presentation Question 6

Evaluation Question 4

The audience for our media product would be males aged 18-29 according to our IMDB research

We rated our film a 15 because the characters are drinking alcohol and that there is a threat that is killing general people. Here is a link to my BBFC research which shows you that most phycological horrors are rated a 15:

We wanted to attract the audiences aged 18-29 because people this age watch phycological horror. We thought by adding alcohol it would attract the audiences attention especially because they are aged 18-29 and they are in there university years and would be drinking alcohol regularly so by having this they could compare them to themselves. 

We also thought by having 2 young women as our main characters it would attract the the attention of young adults especially that the people who would see this film are aged 18-29. People would also be interested to see what will happen to the 2 female characters since they are both vulnerable and they are also drinking with makes them even more vulnerable and it would make them want to see what will happen next.

The soundtrack used at the start of the film engages the audience and puts them in the party spirit since the song is cheerful and loud. Then since the soundtrack suddenly changes into a dark spooky sound which straight away captures the audiences attention since they would be waiting for something scary to happen.

Overall i believe we have successfully apealed to our target audience and we have tried to create a realistic phycological genre. Despite the fact 18-29 is our main audience we would like to appeal to a larger target audience because more interest in our film would make it more successful.

Clip designed to reach my target audience

This picture is designed to reach the audiences attention. Since the main characters are two young women this will instantly grab young mens attention and it would make them want the to watch the film even more. In our IMDB research we saw that most people who watch a phycological horror are males aged 18-29 so by putting 2 females it would grab the males attention even more. Plus the way the two girls are acting in this picture drinking and going out for a party people watching this would feel more engaged since the majority of the males watching this are aged 18-29 and would probably be doing the same thing so this blends in with there life and grabs there attention. We have tried to represent the convention of female victims in horror since this is what our audience would be expecting and that the two girls are vulnerable.