TITLES - the titles for the fiilm silent hill occurs over the opening scene but the titles, are chilling to look at, even though they where origanaly like this in the video game they are still chilling, the ash that surrounds the title is a good use of mise-en-scene as it develops a sence of enviroment.
SUB GENRE - This scene from the shining is a great example of phycological horror conventions, the two girls stand there but then the child danny sees them dead with an axe infront of them, this is noramlity meeting phycological horror as the audience cant tell what is real and what is not.

CHARACTER - The character danny is a young boy who's finger can talk to him in a evil voice, we see this in the first sceen of the film, this is a great phcological moment as we dont know if tony(the finger) is real or just something made up in his head.

KEY SHOT 1 - (Heres johnny!) This scene shows that Jack (the man in frame) has some form of cabbin fever, the audience knows this but the other characters belive that he is crazy. The way that Jack is casualy walking and sticking his head through the door gives the sceen some form of normality but he is breaking down a door with an axe is scary for the audience because of how crazy he is.

KEY SHOT 2 - (all work and no play) This scene uses mise-en-scene to create a scence of fear, the character Jack was writeing a book on a type writer, but when another character looks at his work he as written hundreds of sheats saying "all work and no play makes jack dull boy" this creates fear because we belive that he has gone crazy and are scared about what might happen next.
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