Thursday, 12 January 2012

Flash- Marking a past student work

    1. It doesn't look like a horror film because there is no plot or storyline to it and every time something happens it always leaves you confused which is not meant to happen in a film. There is no purpose whatsoever. In a horror film you would expect it to keep you on the edge of your seat and give you a jumpy feeling but this film doesnt do this at all, it just looks like you're watching a normal film and you dont feel scared when something happens for example when he kills himself you dont have any signs of emotion or fear.
    2. There are quite a few decent shot types which are quite good for example when it shows a high angle it shows that he is inferior and it shows that something bad is going to happen to him. Theres a lot of long shots to show his surroundings but sometimes there is too many which arent always needed because we already know where the location is and where its set.
    3. The framing is quite good because it always shows what the character is doing and hes always on screen which is a sign that hes the main character.
    4. At some points it flows and at other points it doesnt. When it shows what is meant to be flashbacks it is kindve jumpy and noticable on the other hand, other than the flashbacks the continuity isnt bad and it flows smoothly with no jumpyness.
    5. The film uses good props which gives it a real effect and also it has a good use of makeup especially on his black eye because it looks realistic. The location didn't fit because you couldnt understand why the character was there at the time and what was happening and the flashback scenes made this more confusing.
    6. Throughout most of the film its silent and there is no sound except for when the flashbacks come in, it shows tension building music which is quite a creepy effect but this effect fades away instantly as soon as the flashback ends.
I gave it a 15/60 because I didn't think this was good overall it was very confusing from the start all the way to the end.

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