Thursday, 20 October 2011

Sams evaluation

Our finished work shows us that we can record using a camera and a tripod.  We used different shot types and angles to add interest and not to make it plain and boring. One of the shots we used was an extreme close up of the clock at the start of our re-make and another one is a long shot for when Sam rolled over the bed right before the scene when he opened his eyes. We used the extreme close up of the clock to make the viewer know that that’s when the scene took place and what time Sam started to wake up. We framed every shot using the rule of thirds and to hold it steady we used a tripod for every shot to make sure the scenes were nice and steady. The only scene that wasn’t steady was when Sam was putting his slippers on the camera was a bit shaky because the shot we were copying was filmed from the floor therefore we also filmed with the camera on the floor and it may have been knocked and moved a slight bit.

To ensure that we had continuity in our re-make we use the 180degree rule using this rule we made sure we used a straight line to film on, the 30degree rule, everytime we use this rule we made sure we moved the camera more than 30degrees. During editing we realised the clock we used on the first scene tuned off for the 4th scene. Another mistake that we realised we made was on one of the scenes the door that Sam opens at the end of the re-make was open and at the last scene when Sam goes to open the door its closed we only realised this when we was editing therefore we couldn’t go and re-shoot because we had no time.

Our remake doesn’t jump between the shots because we use the 180degree rule and 30degree rule. We recorded from a straight line so the viewer’s eyes don’t see the jump from scene to scene. On this re-make we didn’t have to use any make up at all, all we used was a dressing gown that Sam puts on at the scene when he opens his wardrobe. The location suits the film fine because in the original film it was also filmed it a bedroom therefore I don’t think there was a location that was better. In our group there’s only two people Sam and Aaron, Aaron is more comfortable with recording and Sam is more comfortable with acting so it was quite easy to choose an actor between Sam and Aaron.

What I did to contributed to the re-make was that I was the actor and I helped Aaron with decisions if a scene should be kept or removed. The improvements that could have been made to finished film is that we could of kept an eye out for the clock for when it turned off and we could of made sure that the door where Sam opens at the end could have been closed from the start. What I would do differently when it comes to my final coursework I will look at the environment around me and make sure that nothing is moved or misplaced once the filming has started.

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