Saturday 28 January 2012


Today we started filming our film static, it went well. We managed to get a good range of shots and we managed to work the equipment out fairly well. The only downside was that in the kitchen scene (scene 1) we couldnt use the dolly because the floor wasnt level and it was quite bumpy so we had to use the camere handheld which made it slightly shakey. Also the camera sometimes refocused on the subject/actor we were recording due to that we had to record more takes which took more time. We managed to get it all done and were going to edit it soon to see if the continuity is good and to see if we have missed anything out or done anything wrong in any way. Since we havnt edited it yet right now I believe that the scenes that we recorded were fairly good and followed the 180 degree rule and didnt break the continuity rules because we were quite careful when recording.

start of filming

today we did the first shoot for our film static, it went well but we ran into a few technicl hitches and where unable to resolve them

Thursday 26 January 2012

Release dates for Static - Sam Russo

The day Static is going to be released in theaters is on the 10 of july 2012. We want to make the film look at its best so thats why its being released quite late so that we have time to work on it. We also thought since the film would be released in July all the students are on a holiday break so we would get more views since the film is rated a 15. Since we are an independent film company we can only have our film playing in theaters for 1 month so we have to release it on dvd fairly quickly. The day Static releases on dvd is 28th of august 2012, we thought this date would be perfect because everyone would still be on a holiday break and would be able to pick the film up. Also, we're not going to release it straight onto dvd as soon as Static has stopped showing in theatres because we want to advertise it so more people who didn't get a chance to watch it in theatres would be interested in buying it on DVD.

Media Production Companies 3

Blumhouse produced the film Paranormal Activity and also produced both the sequels to the film. Blumhouse are an independent company but the more popular the films got, the more links they got to bigger companies. One of these companies is Paramount.                                                There is more than one distributor that distributed this film in theaters and on dvd, here are some of them:         Paramount Pictures

release dates for static

For my film i want to distribute my film with a small distributor called Entertainment One as they release films theatrically and for DVD. The theatrical release for static will be a summer release towards the end of july, this is because many people will be finishing school, collage and university around this time so they will be able to go and watch it with friends as its a 15, the run of the the film in theaters will last for one month.  the DVD release will come at the start of august, so that people dont forget the film straight away.

Media Production Companies 2

Hammer films produced a film called let me in. There was more than one distributers, these are some names of the companies that distributed this film in theaters and dvd worldwide -Exclusive Film Distribution
                                                                                                 -A-Film Distribution
                                                                                                 -Metropolitan Filmexport
                                                                                                 -Alliance Films

Media Production Companies 1

 The media company "black and blue films" produced the film "stalker" the company who distributed this film was "mediahouse films" they gave stalker a theatrical and dvd release.

Posters that inspired me

This poster of Land of the Dead has a corpse hand hanging on the fence, this clearly shows that the hands owner was trying to climb over and escape to the other side of the fence which gives it a creepy effect and people would be interested in seeing the film. The weather in the background is really dark and dull which gives the effect of bad things occuring. It also shows a group of zombies/infected people walking towards the fence as if they want to escape or find a victim to kill. This poster inspired me because I thought the hand in the middle was a good thing to use because we could fade the color and put it behind the name title "static" so it would look quite creepy and scary and thats what we want the public to feel when the poster is presented to them. Also the poster is very dark and gives a creepy effect which makes me want to see the film to see what's happening and that's what I want our film poster to do.

The film poster "The hand" is in black and white and shows a gripped hand and it gives the effect that someone is getting dragged from behind. This inspired me because it looks like it's reaching out to the audience ready to grab them. I thought we could use a similar image and post it next to our title so it will give the similar effect. The shade of colour in the hand looks like it shows images such as a girl standing with her back towards us on the middle finger and on the thumb it looks like a womans face screaming. This might give us hints on what is to happen in the film and to show the audience it's a horror film as theres a woman screaming. This inspired me because the image is quite plain but it shows a lot of information when looked closely.

posters that inspired me

this poster inspired me to use the hands and static on the TV, the poster makes the girl seem trapped on the TV i wanted to have this effect in my poster. the blue flicker around the hand looks good as it blends them together.

the friday the 13th poster inspired me as it shows that less is more, this works well into my film as the threat is unknown so hiding it in the poster would be a good way to interest people

Thursday 19 January 2012

media production companies

the media company black and blue films produced a film called the Devils Playground, this is an independent  film company, this film was mainly distributed by a distributer named entertainment one who gave Devils playground a theatrical release and DVD release in the UK and USA.

Fantastic films produced a film called Outcast a 2010 independent horror film 
Outcast will be released by Vertigo Films and is being sold internationally by Bankside Films.

In 2004 twisted pictures produced a film called saw, this was a massive success making  $102,898,683 gross profit (Worldwide) this was due to the massive distribution from over 25 different distribution companies world wide. As this film was from a major media institution it was widely available for everyone to see as it had many links to distributors.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Flash- Marking a past student work

    1. It doesn't look like a horror film because there is no plot or storyline to it and every time something happens it always leaves you confused which is not meant to happen in a film. There is no purpose whatsoever. In a horror film you would expect it to keep you on the edge of your seat and give you a jumpy feeling but this film doesnt do this at all, it just looks like you're watching a normal film and you dont feel scared when something happens for example when he kills himself you dont have any signs of emotion or fear.
    2. There are quite a few decent shot types which are quite good for example when it shows a high angle it shows that he is inferior and it shows that something bad is going to happen to him. Theres a lot of long shots to show his surroundings but sometimes there is too many which arent always needed because we already know where the location is and where its set.
    3. The framing is quite good because it always shows what the character is doing and hes always on screen which is a sign that hes the main character.
    4. At some points it flows and at other points it doesnt. When it shows what is meant to be flashbacks it is kindve jumpy and noticable on the other hand, other than the flashbacks the continuity isnt bad and it flows smoothly with no jumpyness.
    5. The film uses good props which gives it a real effect and also it has a good use of makeup especially on his black eye because it looks realistic. The location didn't fit because you couldnt understand why the character was there at the time and what was happening and the flashback scenes made this more confusing.
    6. Throughout most of the film its silent and there is no sound except for when the flashbacks come in, it shows tension building music which is quite a creepy effect but this effect fades away instantly as soon as the flashback ends.
I gave it a 15/60 because I didn't think this was good overall it was very confusing from the start all the way to the end.

HAMILTON COURT -Marking past student work

  1. It looks like a horror film but a rip off of the film "The Grudge" because the last 30 seconds of it are basically copied off The Grudge. It looks like a horror film because you dont expect whats going on and the image of the paranormal aspect makes it quite creepy and gives it the effect of a really good horror film.
  2. There is a good range of shots used such as a high angle shot when she is in the shower, this makes her look inferior and gives us the hint that something is about to happen to her. You also feel like there is someone watching her. 
  3. Most of the shots were well framed because she's always on shot and is never off the frame.
  4. It flows smoothly and doesnt jump.
  5. Good use of props and location.
  6. Tension building music especially when she is on the phone and you hear her name being called, this is quite creepy and keeps you on the edge of your seat because you know something is about to happen but you dont know what.
I gave it a 43/60 i thought it was fairly good and met most of the level 3 criteria

Wednesday 11 January 2012

marking past students work- the last pulse

  1. the film only looked like a horror in one part where the girl kills him
  2. there where some good shots useing different angles
  3. bad frameing, always to much space around the person in the shot
  4. continuioty errors
  5. good use of props, but location didnt make scence and the final part didnt fit in to the film
  6. the acoustic gitar didnt create fear and  no sound efects where used
i gave this film 36 as it was show well but was let down by errors and mise en scene

marking past students work (outbreak)
  1. the dilm was definately a horror film
  2. this film had shots from many different angles
  3. all shots where well framed
  4. problems with contineuity and edditing of clips
  5. mies en scene worked well with a great location, props and costume.
  6. sound was used to build up tension also zombie sounds used
i gave this film 45 marks as it matched some parts of the criteria better than others

Script for static

the script will allow the cast and crew to know what wxactly needs to be shot in little details, it allows the actors to know what they have to do and/or say and allows edditors to know when to change between cuts and how the are suposed to look.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

location photos

Living room

Static- target audience reaserch

target audience reaserch


the costume for our film is very simple and fits the film well, the two girls are dressed in a smart casual style this suits their attitude in the film and also the feel of the film, the girls are obviously dressed to go out as the film shows they are planing on doing.

Sunday 8 January 2012

True Blood Opening Credits

This is the opening credits of True Blood. We thought the opening credids of True Blood was very intresting since the whole video is small clips but they all relate to the tv series for example when it shows the snake about to bite you can straight away think that the program is realated with biteing therefore you already know its about vampires. Then on another clip it shows kids eating berrys it then focuses on the kids mouth and shows all the red juice comming from the berrys and their face coverd in red this again suggests that the program is about vampires. Overall the opening credits to True Blood is really good source to get out ideas from to make our opening credits.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Kyle cooper on title design

kyle cooper belives that a good title sequence should link or seamlessly flow into the film, like se7en the title are a part of the film as they set up a
character. he says that to have good titles you need to get your adience excited about what they are seeing. you can also explain things that havent been answered in the film or set thing up so your audience knowswhat is happening.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

shot list

the shot list allows the director to know what needs to happen in every scene, when this is put with the script and the storyboard this gives a very clear image to eveyone what should be happening, this also allows edditors to see what should be put together and in what order and make clips the certain length so that it works to the directors specification

Monday 2 January 2012

Poltergeist clip

This is where we got our idea for our coursework "Static" we thought it would be really intresting if we showed people dieing infront of a tv while there was static on the tv and we thouht that it would make the viewers want to watch more to see why these people are dieing.

Phycological horror Wordle

This is a wordle I made on and it has words to do with psychological horror which get mixed around when you enter it. I took most of these words from the mind map we did. It has words like sudden which is a main thing about horror movies since they should have sudden cuts and jumpy moments. It also has dark which horror movies often use for example dark rooms to give a creepy effect or a dark surrounding which makes you feel inferior because you dont know what could happen.