Wednesday 16 November 2011

Sam Russo Title Sequence 2 (from 2:20)

1) The opening sequence starts off with the name of the film producer and the film company. It then features the names of the actors such as Sarah Michelle Gellar. As the images from the opening titles switches to the start of the film, the institutional information carries on, but now it shows casting directors, co producers etc.

2) It is presented all in block capitals, the font size is different between the subheadings and the names, this shows the important information. The font colour is either black or red (mostly red), the red colour represents blood and the black represents darkness. This gives a touch of fear to the film even before it has started.

3) Throughout the opening sequence, the background is red or black. Mostly when the background is red you see long hair moving all across the screen in a way that it is giving the hair the effect of being underwater. The hair relates to the main fear in the film, this means the title sequence is related to the film. The hair at moments grabs the names of the actors and dissolves them off the screen, this gives it a creepy effect. The use of horror in the title sequence reflects the psychological genre.

4) From this title sequence I can get an idea for what to put in the background and how to present the names of the actors/cast members in a fancy way.

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