Wednesday 16 November 2011

Sam Russo Title Sequence 2 (from 2:20)

1) The opening sequence starts off with the name of the film producer and the film company. It then features the names of the actors such as Sarah Michelle Gellar. As the images from the opening titles switches to the start of the film, the institutional information carries on, but now it shows casting directors, co producers etc.

2) It is presented all in block capitals, the font size is different between the subheadings and the names, this shows the important information. The font colour is either black or red (mostly red), the red colour represents blood and the black represents darkness. This gives a touch of fear to the film even before it has started.

3) Throughout the opening sequence, the background is red or black. Mostly when the background is red you see long hair moving all across the screen in a way that it is giving the hair the effect of being underwater. The hair relates to the main fear in the film, this means the title sequence is related to the film. The hair at moments grabs the names of the actors and dissolves them off the screen, this gives it a creepy effect. The use of horror in the title sequence reflects the psychological genre.

4) From this title sequence I can get an idea for what to put in the background and how to present the names of the actors/cast members in a fancy way.

Sam Russo Title Research

1) In the opening title sequence the audience are shown a lot of information. The name of the director (Alfred Hitchcock) is shown and it is then followed by the name of the film (Psycho). Afterwards, we see the name of all the main actors. Finally, it shows the names of the crew members such as unit managers and set directors.
2) Because it is in black and white, the font is a plain white colour against the black background. All the letters in the opening are in block capitals, including names and subheadings. It is also quite bold. There is a size difference between the subheadings and the names, the names however are always presented bigger than the subheadings.
3) The whole title sequence is in black and white (greyish). The visuals we see are the institutional information being shown to us and it is then covered by black and grey lines. These lines cut fast across the screen. It relates to the genre because it is dark and confusing.
4) I found this title sequence quite boring, but I can learn from the music it has used because it is very jumpy and tense.

Aaron Moore title research

1) the information given by the titles allow the audience to to know what studios and actors took part in the creation of the film, it also credits stephen king as he was the origanly created the story.
2)the font and style of the titles are very slow, plain and boreing this is due to the fact that the film was made in the 1980s when there was little choice in how to present titles as there was not as many people who were able to create good titles due to technical limitations
3)the visuals you see during the titles only show how sucluded and far from normal civilisation they are, this becomes the main part of the film being alone without other people around
4) this title sequence has shown me that the titles need to be exiting to catch peoples attention and that you can set the scene with the titles

Aaron Moore title research

1) at the very start of the clip the titles show the production company that the fill was made with the help of it also shows the producer for the film
2) the production company title and logo are normal as they where made by their studio but the title and the producer credit are in thin white text, they are shakeing and floating over darkness
3)The logo for davis films changes from blue skys to grey sky this relates to the film as ash falls across the logo and creates a sence of feer as it fades to darkness
4) i didnt learn much from these titles as they where quite short and was un-efective in creating fear as there was barely any visuals and was broken up by a long chunk of film